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Roberts Electric Service Crew


Electrician in San Diego Van
We are extremely fortunate to have a wonderful
list of customers that have gained recognition
and respect for their business practices over
the last two decades which we are proud to
have personally worked for in San Diego!

We encourage you to contact or visit any of our customers
listed down this page or on the other pages listed below.

> The names are links - try them! <

And thank you for giving us an opportunity to assist you in the completion of your project.

City Delicatessen

535 University Avenue, San Diego - 619-295-2747

Many interesting and challenging electrical projects in this
building which has had several tenants since its conception
in the roaring 20s... but the most outstanding - and a
great place to eat is the City Delicatessen for 21 years.


Park Manor Suites

525 Spruce Street, San Diego - 619-291-0999

Complete “back bone” building rewire instigated by
crushed conduits requiring troubleshooting and repairs.
Several miscellaneous troubleshooting projects on this 7 story
1920s building with its original wiring. Fabulous building and
everything working great! And recently installed the network
infrastructure for their new point of sale system in both
restaurants, bars and kitchens.

The SRO Lounge

1807 Fifth Avenue, San Diego - 619-232-1886

This is a sometimes tranquil and often jamming
neighborhood pub in which we handle all their
electrical repair needs including a major power
outage repair on Thanksgiving morning one year…
all fixed within a few hours and
everyone was fed and happy!

The Brass Rail 

3796 Fifth Avenue, San Diego - 619-298-2233

Great place to celebrate…
We have done many things for this building and business,
including fixing an emergency power outage on
New Year’s Eve - to keep the party going and our
customer in business on one of their busiest nights.



Grace Hollis Lowe Hanson & Schaeffer LLP
Attorneys at Law

3555 Fifth Avenue, San Diego - 619-692-0800

A good example of a dynamic corporate customer,
we worked on their network room, new circuits and
main power room reconfigurations, as well as
automated lighting system.



In respect for our customers and their security
we have not included any of our residential
customers in our published references...

About 75% of our work is for home owners working
on their homes, condos or rental properties...

We will be glad to discuss what we can do for you
- call us today - we can help!

Roberts Electric Service, Inc.

Call your local experts for all your electrical needs!